Quick Meals

Cucumber, Avocado, and Beer Batter Shrimp Bites

On the hunt for an easy, delicious, better-for-you shrimp appetizer? Look no further than these Cucumber, Avocado, and Beer Batter Shrimp Bites from Mandy Tanner. Serve these at a holiday gathering and your guests will be begging for more!


Gorton's seafood

Gorton's Beer Batter Shrimp

1 package of Gorton’s Beer Batter Shrimp
1 Cucumber
1-2 Ripened avocados
Fresh parsley, for garnishing (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste (optional)


Step 1

Cook Gorton’s Beer Batter Shrimp according to package instructions, until 145°F or higher.

Step 2

Let shrimp cool. Cut cucumbers diagonally into slices and peel, pit, and mash avocados. Season mashed avocado with salt and pepper.

Step 3

Begin assembling by placing a dollop of avocado on top of each cucumber slice. Finish by topping with a piece of shrimp.

Step 4

Garnish with fresh parsley, plate, and enjoy!


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